Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Postgresql Transfer Database to New Tablespace with Python

This is a quick script I wrote in python to generate the sql file needed to transfer one database to another tablespace.


# will generate the sql file needed to alter the tablespace for a database.

import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extras
import sys

# Configuration
host = '';            # The host on which the database resides.
user = '';            # The username to access the database.
password = '';            # The password to access the database.
db = '';            # The database to move.
tablespace = '';    # The tablespace to move the database to.
output = ""

# Application
conn = psycopg2.connect(database=db, user=user, password=password)
cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)

# Create SQL code to put new tables and indexes in the new tablespace.
output = output + "ALTER DATABASE " + db + " SET default_tablespace = " + tablespace + ";\n"

# Select all tables from the database.
tableQuery = "SELECT * FROM pg_tables where tableowner='" + user + "' ORDER BY tablename"


db_tables = cur.fetchall()
# print db_tables 
for table in db_tables:
    schemaName = table['schemaname']
    tableName = table['tablename']

    # Create SQL code to move the table to the new tablespace.
    output = output + "ALTER TABLE "+ schemaName +"." + tableName + " SET TABLESPACE " + tablespace + ";\n";
    # print output

    # Select all indexes from the table.
    indexQuery = "SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = '" + schemaName + "' AND tablename = '" + tableName + "' ORDER BY indexname"
    print indexQuery
    print cur.statusmessage
    db_indexes = cur.fetchall()
    # print db_indexes
    for index in db_indexes:
        print dict(index)
        indexName = index['indexname']

        # Create SQL code to move the index to the new tablespace.
        output = output + "ALTER INDEX " + schemaName + "." + indexName + " SET TABLESPACE " + tablespace+ ";\n";

# Write the resulting SQL code to a file.
filename = 'migrate_' + host + '_' + db + '_to_' + tablespace + '.sql'
sqlfile = open('filename, 'w')


Best of luck.

  1. http://blog.lodeblomme.be/2008/03/15/move-a-postgresql-database-to-a-different-tablespace/
  2. http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/sql-createtablespace.html

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