Sunday 21 April 2013

Install Twiki on Ubuntu 12.04

This is short guide on how to install Twiki ~5.13 on Ubuntu 12.04. This guide has a fix or two that was not present in any other guide I found.

  1. Install all of the relevant dependencies.

    sudo apt-get install apache2 libgdal-perl libcgi-session-perl libhtml-tree-perl liberror-perl libfreezethaw-perl libgd2-xpm rcs libapache2-mod-perl2-doc libapache2-mod-perl2 libapache2-mod-php5 latex2html
  2.  Download Twiki

    If installing in the default directory for Apache (/var/www) place the downloaded zip/tar.gz file in /var/www (
  3. Install Twiki

    cp /var/www/twiki/bin/LocalLib.cfg.txt /srv/www/
    chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/twiki
  4. Configure Twiki
    Go to this link and have the page generate the configuration needed for your apache and perl configuration.

    save the generated configuration to /etc/apache2/conf.d/twiki.conf
  5. Restart Apache2
    sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
  6. Allow configuration file to know where the path to the configuration should be put.

    Edit /var/www/twiki/bin/LocalLib.cfg:
    $twikiLibPath = "/var/www/twiki/lib";
  7. Run Twiki config.
    Configure your twiki: go to http://localhost/twiki/bin/configure,  setup admin password and paths.

  8. Edit /var/www/twiki/bin/LocalLib.cfg:
    $twikiLibPath = "/var/www/twiki/lib";

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